Hello, I invite you to come and see my very first mini series "The Collective"
It consists of 3 main female role models and influences, who stand out to me in a very positive way.
Let me guide you through them.
Cuca is an artist from Las Vegas Nevada, born her in the bay area. She has an incredible array of paintings and is very talented, she has exhibited her artwork in galleries before and she first caught my eye several months ago and she has an eye of depicting females quite tastefully and ellegantly. Although I haven't had the opportunity of meeting her in person, I do think that she is a positive role model for any artist out there. I hope to one day meet her and tell her that she is a great artist and I am proud to call her my friend.
Andrea, a all around busy woman who is always working on several projects, from radio dj to youtube channel icon to internet show vj, always on the move and always looking for something big. I met her a long time ago in a math course during a summer at Stanford University when I was in 7th grade, and later met her with mutual friends and have been running into her ever since. I once said to her "Everything you touch turns to gold" I still believe it and she definatley has held up to it. Being on the airwaves and on the internet she has had a great inmpact and influence many in my opinion, if you didn't know, now you know.
Domini, oh Domini, what is to be said about this lovely and brilliant woman? An amazing artist of crafts and the like, she has made her own book, covers, pages and all, a queen of knick knacks and patty wacks, and incredibly talented. She works for a publishing company and designs book covers; if you ever picked up a book just by how intruiging you found the cover and ended up liking the book afterall, that's exactly how domini is, you'll want to meet her because she's so interesting, and you'll never meet one of the nicest women out ther than her. She radiates happy go lucky-ness.
I hope to have captured all of your female beauty and likeness and strength, without women, men would be nothing. "This world would be nothing without a woman or a girl" to quote the late James Brown and he was right, without the strength, power, beauty and softness of a woman, men would cease to be.
I hope you enjoy The Collective, please leave comments and praise, for these women deserve it.
Thank You